Centripetal force describes how a force acts when the object which the force is exerted on is traveling in circular motion. The Latin meaning for centripetal is towards the center because the force acts towards the center. For example: the centripetal force is present in Roller Coasters, when you go loop-the-loop.
The Centrifugal force is a virtual force. The Centrifugal force is merely the reaction of the Centripetal force. Sir Isaac Newtons' third law supports this theory:
For every force there is an equal and opposite force.
For example:
A carnival ride that spins around in a circle at a constant speed.
When moving fast, a large force is required to make you change
direction. Your body wants to continue in a straight line. The curved
wall gets in the way. The wall pushes in against your body. The "outward
force" is just your body trying to move in a straight line. It is not a
force at all. It is just your body resisting the effects of the forces
it feels.
info from:
- csiro science emails (SUBSCRIBE!)
- http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/
Hope this helped
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